How do psychopathic individuals choose their victims?

Many individuals with psychopathic features are opportunists who seek to take whatever they can from those around them, viewing others as merely a source of “supply.”  If they detect something in someone they find interesting or that can help them achieve their agenda in some way, that person has the potential to become a victim.  … Read more

Can children be identified as psychopathic? Can adolescents be identified as psychopathic?

Several researchers have examined qualities in children and adolescents that serve to differentiate psychopathic youth from their peers.  Frick posited that children who exhibit both conduct problems and callous/unemotional traits are most similar to adult psychopaths (Frick & Marsee, 2006).  Research findings by Lynam (1996) identified a subset of children with both conduct problems and … Read more

Are they (psychopaths) aware of their condition?

Remarkably little is known about the extent to which psychopathic individuals are aware of their condition (have insight). There are cases in which psychopathic individuals have reported that they are psychopathic or sociopathic and have even rattled off a list of core features of psychopathy. However, classical clinical descriptions of psychopathic individuals emphasize their lack … Read more

Neurobiological basis of psychopathy

Dr. RJR Blair from the Unit on Affective Cognitive Neuroscience, Mood and Anxiety Program, National Institute of Mental Health states, “To understand a psychiatric disorder we need to know why the pathology causes the behavioural disturbance, the neural structures implicated in the pathology and the cause of the dysfunction in the neural structures.” Read the … Read more

Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation request for proposals

The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation invites proposals for research projects examining the impact of psychopathy on other people. One of our chief goals is to support research that aims to prevent, understand or treat this disorder and research that aims to understand and treat the aftermath of psychopathy, with a special focus on the negative … Read more