Aftermath Mission
The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation is dedicated to educating the public regarding the nature of psychopathy and its cost to individuals and society.
We seek to support the families and victims of those with psychopathy.
We support research that aims to: prevent or minimize the development of psychopathic traits, reduce the impact of psychopathic traits, and understand and treat the aftermath of psychopathy. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the negative impact of psychopathy on the families and victims of psychopathic individuals.
In 2018, we received $2453.66 in revenue (see Figure 1). Our revenue primarily came from donations (70.61). Other sources of revenue included membership donations (i.e., new members and renewals; 18.18%), and fundraising initiatives (e.g., Amazon Smile; 11.21%).
In 2018, our total expenses were $2723.18 (see Figure 2). Approximately 47.71% of our expenses went towards administration and overhead costs, including the Board of Directors Insurance, P.O. box fees, website administration fees, and Paypal/Bank fees (see breakdown in Figure 3). Fundraising efforts accounted for 44.96% of expenses in 2018, including the purchase of mugs and bags for the new membership initiative to be rolled out in 2019/2020. Fees associated with the annual report accounted for 7.33% of expenses.