Reasons to Support the Aftermath Foundation

There are several reasons to support the Aftermath Foundation:

First, to our knowledge, there are no other organizations like the Aftermath Foundation anywhere in the world. We are dedicated to helping people in traumatic relationships with psychopathic individuals and to educating everyone about the nature of psychopathy, including the negative impact of psychopathic people on others. We are not connected with any company, and all of our staff are volunteers with day jobs. All of the money we raise goes towards the Foundation.

Second, many of our volunteers are psychopathy experts, including professors and graduate students who have studied the theories and research on psychopathy, and, in several cases, have conducted some of the research that has helped professionals to understand the nature of psychopathy. We are informed, and so we do understand psychopathy.

As a combination of academic researchers and teachers, mental health professionals, and survivors (that is, people who have been victimized by people with psychopathic traits), we understand both the syndrome itself as well as its devastating impact on survivors. By working together, we have been able to integrate across our unique perspectives to create a shared understanding of psychopathy which is different from what someone can understand from one perspective alone. We understand how difficult it can be for victims and survivors to get help and recover from traumatic relationships with psychopaths, and how difficult it can be for some of them to convince others to believe them when they are describing accurately what has happened in their lives. But it also means we try to share some of the insights research has yielded about the factors that contribute to the development of psychopathy, the ways in which psychopathic people often abuse others, and the preliminary evidence that some treatments can be helpful to some people with psychopathic traits (under some conditions).

Third, we are doing good work, but we have a long way to go to help society to understand the nature and impact of psychopathy. Many organizations and institutions are not yet able to function well when they encounter smooth manipulators who lie with impunity and who can persuade others to bend the rules for their benefit. And we cannot guarantee that everyone will get a fair shake in the courts, on the job, or even from therapists who do not understand psychopathy. But we are making headway. We are getting out the word about psychopathy. We are educating professionals and the general public. And we are finding therapists (in many but not all cases) for people who need therapists and counselors who understand psychopathy.

The world needs people who can provide accurate information about the problem of people commonly called psychopaths, and the Aftermath Foundation needs your help. We need more people who understand psychopathy to step forward to lend a hand, either by volunteering to help with education or by donating to help us get our message out. This is a big job and an important one. Consider all the people who are being hurt by psychopathic people and who ultimately will need to get help in order to recover and get their lives back. As you may already realize, psychopathy accounts not only for a large share of all the criminal acts that are detected by police but also for a lot of the emotional and physical and sexual abuse that is never reported but that makes it hard for people to lead fulfilling lives.

Finally, knowing psychopathy is power. By helping people to understand psychopathy, we make it easier for them to protect themselves from being used and abused and easier to get help when psychopathic people start hurting them.

If you understand the impact of psychopathy, or if you are in a position to help, please consider helping us to accomplish our goals.

  1. Make a donation to the Foundation.
  2. Become a member.
  3. Become a volunteer.
  4. Renew your membership.
  5. Join eScrip so that a small portion of your regular shopping can benefit us.
  6. Select us on Amazon Smile and do your Amazon shopping from Amazon Smile. It is an easy way to support the Aftermath Foundation when you shop.
  7. Consider buying one of the books in our bookstore. We receive a small contribution from books purchased on Amazon through our bookstore.
  8. If you are interested in jewelry, consider the Thrive line of jewelry from Rehn Designs. They have volunteered to donate $5 from every purchase of jewelry in their Thrive line to the Aftermath Foundation (click here for a link to Rehn Designs).
  9. If your workplace has an employee charitable giving program, please consider whether you can add the Aftermath Foundation as one of the charities for which employee donations are matched by the company.
  10. Tell others about psychopathy…… Spread the word…… Help us to make a difference!

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