Links Between Psychopathic Traits and Social Motivations

Written by Ellen Tansony and the Research Committee Past research has reported that individuals high in psychopathic traits tend to form atypical social relationships with others. Those high in psychopathic traits tend to have shorter relationships with friends and significant others, and have placed less value on long-term relationships. Despite these findings, little research has … Read more

The Aftermath Forums are Open Again!

The website migration and an extensive update of our forum software are now complete. Please visit the forums and begin posting again. And keep your eyes out for additional content to be added to the website shortly.

Ask the Expert: Dr. Scott Lilienfeld

We have recently added an Ask the Expert response from Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor at the Department of Psychology, Emory University. He discusses how he got involved in the area of psychopathy research, what are some common misconceptions about psychopathy, what defines ‘successful’ psychopaths, and other topics. Go to ‘Resources’ to find the … Read more

The Role of Positive Child-Parent Relationships in Children with Callous-Unemotional Traits

Written by Dr. Adelle Forth and the Research Committee What might be an effective intervention approach with children who exhibit psychopathic-like features? Kochanska and colleagues (2013) have been focusing on callous-unemotional (CU) features, which include low levels of guilt and empathy, disregard for rules, shallow emotions, and fearlessness. CU features in children are predictive of … Read more

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With Amazon Smile, you can help us to educate more people about the impact of psychopathic people when you shop at Amazon. If you click on an Amazon Smile link before you start shopping and select the AFTERMATH SURVIVING PSYCHOPATHY FOUNDATION as your charity, Amazon donates 0.5% of every purchase!