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Support the Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation

The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation is dedicated to educating the public about the nature of psychopathy and its cost to individuals and society.  With your help, we can continue to support the families and victims of those with psychopathy and support new research that aims to understand, prevent, or minimize the development of psychopathic traits and the aftermath for families and victims of psychopathic individuals.

There are several ways you can help!


1.  Become a Member!  You can become a member for one year just by donating $25.  There are benefits for membership, and more benefits are coming soon.  Click here to find out more about membership benefits.


2. Make a Donation!  You can donate any amount you wish. As a 503(c) charitable foundation recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service, 100% of donations (by Americans) is tax deductible (please consult your tax adviser).   Click here to make a donation.


3. Make a purchase in our Store.  For every item sold through our Store, the Aftermath Foundation receives a small commission from Amazon.  We are always reading and review new books in the field of psychopathy and add those we think might be of interest to our visitors. Click here to visit our store!


4. Employer matching programs. Find out whether your employer would match your donation to the Aftermath Foundation.


5. Support us with Escrip when you shop.


6. Estate planning. Consider the Aftermath Foundation as part of your estate planning.

The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation is approved by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt charitable organization, and contributions from U.S. citizens are tax deductible.