Recruiting Survivors of Psychopathy for a Study of the Usefulness of a Program to Increase Physical Activity

Dr. David Kosson and Dr. Kristin Schneider and colleagues are recruiting female participants who have been in a relationship with someone with psychopathic traits for an online physical activity research study. We have developed a free online program designed to increase physical activity and to reduce stress in people with trauma symptoms. This online program will take place on a secure platform that only study participants and the program facilitators can access. Participants will be asked to watch a 5-10-minute video each week, agree to try to increase their activity, and consider the issues raised in an online discussion forum with other participants. Program content is available for participants to review at their own pace each week. Program facilitators will also pose questions and comments to the group on the discussion board to encourage support among group members. Participants will also be asked to complete surveys at baseline, week 4 and week 8. Participants will also have the option of continuing to access program materials for 4 weeks after the program ends. Participation in the study, including the screening, 8-week online program, and access to materials after the program ends  will be roughly 14 weeks.

For this initial test of the feasibility of this program, we wish to recruit only adult women in the United States who speak English and who may be interested in becoming more physically active. If you are interested, email us at

Please note, this online intervention is not designed as a substitute for psychotherapy or counseling interventions provided by a licensed mental health provider.