Help Us Reduce the Negative Impact of Psychopathy

At this time of year, Giving Tuesday, we hope you will consider the Aftermath Foundation among the good causes you support. If you have yourself had contact with a psychopathic partner or colleague or family member, you already know how much psychopathic people can hurt those around them. You know the harm is real and awful and that recovery from the trauma can be very difficult.

Yet, despite the dramatic increases in the study of psychopathy, most people do not understand this disorder. As a result, for many people in relationships with psychopathic partners, psychopathy is a mysterious problem. Lack of knowledge often makes it more difficult to discover the reason for inconsistent loving and hostile treatment, for the ability to sound convincing even after repeated lies, for the subtle and overt ways in which people end up in control over much of what we do and say, and, sometimes, for the insidious way they turn us against ourselves.

The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation is unique in its dedication to both supporting victims and survivors of traumatic relationships and providing accurate information based on scientific research. Unfortunately, we continue to hear of many cases in which psychopathic people win lawsuits and custody battles and sometimes get away with criminal acts partly by intimidating witnesses and lying and manipulating judges, attorneys and police as effectively as they manipulate the rest of us.

We believe that a better understanding of psychopathy is one of the most powerful ways to reduce the harm that psychopathic individuals cause. To achieve this goal, we post summaries of current research on our website, and we provide workshops to mental health and criminal justice professionals.

In addition to the live workshops, we are now trying to raise money to develop online courses that will help us reach many more people in the general population as well as educate many more health professionals than we can reach by conducting workshops in person. We believe this is a pathway to make a real change in our ability to reduce the damage that psychopathic people cause. Please visit our Kickstarter campaign to learn more about these courses and consider helping us with our fundraising campaign. With your help, we are working to make the world safer for everyone!