Support Us with eScrip When You Shop

The Aftermath-Surviving-Psychopathy Foundation is now on eScrip!

This means that there is now another way to support the work we do. eScrip is an organization that was formed to help non-profit organizations raise money. By registering a credit card or loyalty card with eScrip or by using the link on our webpage to get to the online merchants with whom you shop, you will be able to donate a small portion of the money you would spend anyway to the Aftermath Foundation. We are not kidding. For example, if you shop at Target, approximately 2.4% of the money you spend comes back to the Aftermath Foundation.  At some restaurants, the amount of money returned to the Aftermath Foundation is as high as 5%. Without doing anything different (once you get to the store you want to go to), you can help us reduce the negative impact of psychopathy. All you have to do is register your credit card with eScrip. Here, we first review how to sign up. We can also direct you to some brochures with more information about how the eScrip program works.

To sign up:

1) go to and sign up. It costs nothing, but you have to select the nonprofit that you want to benefit from your shopping. We are listed by name.

2) Shop — you will also see a link to a list of the merchants who work with the eScrip program. More merchants are joining each year.

3) If you want to, you can review monthly reports at to see how much money your purchases have contributed to the Foundation. If you have additional questions about the program that are not answered in the links below, feel free to write to us at and mention escrip in the subject header. Thank you for your support!

General_information about eScrip          Signing up for eScrip online          eScrip Privacy Information

Frequently Asked Questions about eScrip



Anyone can earn money for the

Aftermath-Surviving Psychopathy Foundation