Through the Eyes of a Survivor: Inadvertent Gaslighting

Gaslighting refers to a process in which one individual is trying to make another person question their own reality and making them feel crazy through psychological manipulation. I experienced gaslighting by my husband during our marriage. For example, after many years of strife in our marriage, he agreed to go to couples counseling with me. We … Read more

Toxic Relationships: The Experiences and Effects of Psychopathy in Romantic Relationships

Summary by Shannon Compton and the North American Research Committee   Research Highlights A large sample of former and current partners of men and women in a romantic relationship with an individual with psychopathic traits reported on what they experienced in this relationship. Participants reported experiencing numerous types of abusive experiences with moderate to severe … Read more

Through the Eyes of a Survivor: Anger

Probably only a victim of a psychopath is able to fully understand this post. Those who have never experienced this kind of anger will likely see nothing more than words. But these are not hollow words. This is a perspective of one survivor; the following text describes only my feelings. It is crucial to remember … Read more

Through the Eyes of a Survivor: Addiction

Probably only a victim of a psychopath is able to fully understand this post. Those who have never experienced this kind of addiction will likely see nothing more than words. But these are not hollow words. This is a perspective of one survivor; the following text describes only my feelings. It is crucial to remember … Read more