Testing an Adaptation of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Preschoolers with Callous-Unemotional Traits

Written by Mary B. Ritchie and the Research Committee Youth who display callous-unemotional (CU) traits are characterized by a shallow and deficient emotion, lack of remorse or guilt, lack of empathy, and a lack of concern about performance in important activities. CU traits have been associated with early, severe, and persistent aggressive behavior, as well … Read more

Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire

Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire by Kristopher Brazil Personal accounts of people who have been in relationships with psychopathic individuals have suggested that the psychopathic partner was charming, relaxed, confident, and exciting upon their first few interactions, only to have this positive impression wear off with time. A recent study in Evolutionary Psychological Science … Read more

Psychopathy and Olfactory Abilities

Written by Sandra Michels and the Research Committee According to researchers Mahmut and Stevenson (2012) there is evidence to suggest that psychopathy may involve the dysfunction of specific areas of the frontal lobe of the brain, including the orbital frontal cortex (OFC) instead of a general frontal lobe deficit.  It is thought that individuals higher … Read more

The treatability of psychopathy

Written by Alicia Spidel and the Research Committee This article examines whether psychopathy is an untreatable mental health condition. It reviews previous research on the treatment of psychopathy in adults and youth. The review demonstrates that treatment in adults has been found to have low or moderate levels of success. However, treatment of youth was … Read more

The Relationship Between Psychopathic Traits, Sexual Fantasy, and Real-Life Sexual Behaviour

Written by Ellen Tansony-Luedke and the Research Committee. Sexual promiscuity is a well-documented trait of psychopathic individuals; however, little is known about the sexual fantasies of those high in psychopathic traits. From an evolutionary perspective, some have argued that the short-term and uncommitted sexual behaviours associated with psychopathy provide these individuals with reproductive advantages (Jonason, … Read more

Individuals with psychopathic traits: Are they able to mimic fear and remorse

Written by Dr. Adelle Forth and the Research Committee Why are individuals with psychopathic traits able to effectively manipulate and deceive others? To be successful at manipulating others, Jones (2014) has proposed that you need to be able to read cues of vulnerability in others, avoid detection by appearing to be trustworthy, and display a … Read more