Are they (psychopaths) aware of their condition?

Remarkably little is known about the extent to which psychopathic individuals are aware of their condition (have insight). There are cases in which psychopathic individuals have reported that they are psychopathic or sociopathic and have even rattled off a list of core features of psychopathy. However, classical clinical descriptions of psychopathic individuals emphasize their lack … Read more

Is Psychopathy Genetic?

Genes play a significant role in the development of psychopathy. However socialization and other environmental factors interact with genetics, so genes are not the only determinant in whether one has psychopathic traits. Studies on the heritability of psychopathy have focused primarily on identical twins (100% shared genes) and fraternal twins (50% shared genes).  One study … Read more

Can psychopathy be successfully treated?

1. Are there any known medications or other interventions useful for treating psychopathy? (Answer provided by a psychopathy expert and Aftermath volunteer and endorsed by the Executive Committee) Although psychopathy is not currently listed as a personality disorder in the official psychiatric taxonomy (the DSM-IV), it is comprised of enduring affective, behavioral, and interpersonal components … Read more

Is my _________ “a psychopath”?

(fill in the blank above with mother/father, wife/husband, son/daughter, brother/sister, other relative, lover, friend or associate) People who come to this site are looking for answers to questions like: What is a psychopath? Is my loved one or associate a psychopath? Does psychopathy explain this particular person’s abusive and hurtful behavior? You may want to … Read more