Help Support the Aftermath Foundation

The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation is dedicated to helping people recover from abusive relationships with individuals with psychopathy, to helping people to spot wolves in sheeps’ clothing before they are harmed, and to reducing the negative impact of people with psychopathic traits on others. Moreover, we do this while keeping our feet planted firmly in the scientific literature. We provide accurate information  – that is, information from peer-reviewed journals but written in language people can understand. We provide accurate information because there is so much misinformation out there. You deserve to have a place where you can read what leading experts in the field believe is accurate.

We are volunteers who have known individuals with psychopathy up close as well as researchers who study the disorder. We work together to address the issues that are important to those who have been victimized or targeted. We try to help in several ways. In addition to summarizing research that you can use, sometimes some of our survivor volunteers post experiences from their own lives that have helped in their recoveries (Through the Eyes of Survivors ). And our Help Committee tries to find mental health professionals for people who are looking for a therapist who understands psychopathy. We also help to identify experts in the field who may be able to testify in court. (We charge no fees for our services.)

We have conducted workshops for therapists to help them to be more effective, for court professionals to help them spot people with psychopathic traits, to clergy, and to court appointed special advocates. Now we are developing online courses to educate the general public and mental health professionals about psychopathy. We have even piloted a support group (more on that in 2023). In short, we are out there trying to make a genuine difference in people’s lives.

There are few organizations like us out there. We know that there is a lot more work to be done to help make people safer, to help prevent children from developing psychopathic traits, and to help people in relationships with psychopathic people to get help or get out. We need to keep working, and we need your help.

If you understand the impact of psychopathy, or if you are able to contribute, we encourage you to help us accomplish our goals.

  • Become a member.
  • Renew your membership.
  • If your workplace has an employee charitable giving program, please consider whether you can add the Aftermath Foundation as one of the charities for which employee donations are matched by the company.
  • Become a volunteer for the Aftermath: Surviving Psychopath Foundation
  • Tell others about psychopathy…… Spread the word…… Help us to make a difference!


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