Website Report – 2021 Annual Report


On the Homepage and Website…


We uploaded a lot of new material to the website during the year, including:


Ask The Expert interviews with Drs. Paul Frick, Joseph Newman, Paul Babiak, Martin Sellbom, Carlo Garofalo and Donald Lynam.


Two articles for our Through the Eyes of a Survivor series on “Suffering” and “Addiction.”


Four Research Summaries from the scientific literature on psychopathy summarized in user-friendly language. (View the Research Committee report). 


Also, we posted the Aftermath Foundation 2019 Annual Report and highlights, such as a video interview with Dr. Michael Koenigs.


We have had great success attracting visits from foreign-language speakers from around the world.  This year the majority of visitors came from the following countries; 1) United states (4,852), 2) Poland (3,568), 3) Germany (3,173), 4) Spain (954), 5) United Kingdom (888), 6) Israel (845), 7) Canada (794), 8) China (481), 9) Argentina (217), and 10) Turkey (190).


Members Page…


On our Members Page we post material that is accessible only to those who have a membership (at the Regular, Silver or Gold level).  During 2021, we posted one web conversation and two additional summaries of articles:


A web conversation between Dr. Michael Koenigs and Dr. Rhonda Freeman.


September, 2021: a summary by Dr. Dean Fido of a new study by Dr. Sally Olderbak and colleagues addressing the ability of people to identify psychopathic traits in others by looking at their faces.


May, 2021:  a summary by Jamie Knowles and Dr. Nicola Gray of a recent study by Sest and March examining links between psychopathic traits and online trolling (the act of provoking others online using deception and harmful behavior).


Timely Notices…


We regularly post notices to keep our visitors apprised of our activities.  Here are just a few:


A Research Participation Opportunity for our visitors and members to participate in a psychopathy research project entitled “Recruiting Survivors of Psychopathy for a Physical Activity Program Study”


The inauguration of our Pinterest and Twitter social media accounts.


An announcement of our Annual Giving Tuesday Raffle with a list of prizes, followed by a Thank You to those who made generous donations.


Calls for nominations for our Aftermath Graduate Student Research Award for 2021 and our Aftermath Media Award for 2021.


Behind the Scenes…


We continue to use our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) “meta tag list” to improve our presence on Internet search engines.  We also now structure our articles in formats friendly to search engines.


We upgraded our WordPress and php software to keep our site current, secure and fully operational.


Also, we placed an ad on the VolunteerMatch website to find additional volunteers to help with our website maintenance.  We have had some inquiries but so far have not found someone with the requisite technical skills we need.


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