Help Committee Report
During 2018, we received 64 requests for help. We connected 8 people with psychopathy experts and answered the questions of another 15 people and directed people to our forums for survivors in 5 cases (or provided help with using the forums). In another 9 cases, we could answer only some of the questions that were asked. In another 21 cases, we responded to people who requested help, but the dialogue did not continue to the point of definitive solutions. Unfortunately, in two other cases, we were unable to find therapists or psychologists with an understanding of psychopathy near the requesters’ locations.


For this reason, we continue to work to expand our list of contacts with psychopathy experts around the world. There were also four additional kinds of issues that arose and which we grouped together as miscellaneous:  one case each of someone writing to give us feedback, to offer us help, to discuss memberships in the Foundation, and one ongoing communication that continued past the end of 2018.


 We appreciate those who have let us know that our referrals were (or were not) helpful. Because we are not able to provide emergency help, we encourage anyone who is in immediate danger to contact local law enforcement or emergency services (including emergency rooms and crisis centers) in your area.


Note to any psychopathy experts who are reading this report: Please let us know if you are available for conducting assessments, offering consultations, and/or for providing psychotherapy!




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