Web Conversation with Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott: Psychopathy and the Criminal Justice System

On June 29th, Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott, Professor of Criminal Justice, Criminology & Forensics at Seattle University, spoke with us about her work on psychopathy and the criminal jstice system. Dr. Helfgott is also the Director of their Crime & Justice Research Center. Her research interests include criminal behavior, psychopathy, copycat crime, corrections/reentry, public safety, police-community relations, crisis intervention in law enforcement, and community/ restorative justice. She is an expert on applied criminal justice research in policing, courts, corrections, and victim services and has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, as well as authoring several books, including her most recent book, No Remorse: Psychopathy and Criminal Justice. Here is an excerpt from that web conversation. Note: the web conversation was administered and this recording was edited by Ms. Roshni Sohail. To watch the entire video conversation, visit the Member’s page (membership required).