Web Conversation with Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott

Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott is a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, Criminology & Forensics at Seattle University. She is also the Director of the Crime & Justice Research Center there. She has been working in the areas of criminal justice, policing,  corrections and re-entry, copycat crime, crisis intervention in law enforcement, and community and restorative justice for many years. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, as well as authoring several books, including her most recent book, No Remorse: Psychopathy and Criminal Justice.


She spoke with Dr. David Kosson about the ways in which psychopathy is of interest to people in criminal justice and criminology and spoke of the advantages of having psychologists and criminal justice experts learn from each other.


Click here to watch the full conversation and learn more about important cases at the intersection between psychopathy and the criminal justice system.