Our Strategic Plan (2012-2014)

  1. Continue to improve the infrastructure of our organization
    1. Recruit additional members for the Aftermath Foundation Board of Directors and Executive Committee
    2. Focus on individuals with experience in board governance, accounting, law, and members interested in providing financial support to non-profit organizations
  2. Educate the general public about the nature and impact of psychopathy
    1. Continue to add resources, respond to frequently asked questions, and publish articles relevant to psychopathy on the Aftermath website
    2. Select winners for the Aftermath Foundation Media Award and the Aftermath Graduate Student Research Award
  3. Educate professionals about the nature and impact of psychopathy
    1. Present workshop to train therapists and counselors to deal more effectively with psychopathic individuals to additional psychologists and psychiatrists
    2. Develop workshop to train attorneys and judges to deal more effectively with psychopathic individuals
    3. Identify psychiatric, medical, religious, law enforcement, political, and self-help organizations interested in learning more about working with psychopathic individuals
  4. Help individuals to make contact with knowledgeable professionals
    1. Send out our survey for professionals to three organizations each year
    2. Contact state psychological associations to identify psychologists with expertise in psychopathy
    3. Coordinate responses to develop referral network
    4. Complete / improve database for tracking requests for help and outcomes in a database
  5. Raise money to support our mission
    1. Develop funding strategies
    2. Improve our listing on internet sites related to foundations
    3. Develop a marketing plan to promote our foundation
  6. Research
    1. Consider how best to encourage research into the impact of psychopathic personality.
    2. Continue to provide financial support to promising research proposals.
  7. Policy and Law
    1. Determine areas where laws and policies should be changed
    2. Form committee to study family law issues and policies
  8. Media
    1. Expand the visibility of the Aftermath Foundation on the internet as well as in more traditional media outlets (e.g., radio, television, print media)