Church Leaders Workshop

Church Leadership Conference:  Be a Soul Survivor:  Bully Island Edition   St. Catharines, ON, Canada January 24, 2013 1pm – 6pm Bullying is a prevalent concern in society today.  Church communities are not immune.  Join us as we investigate how to recognize bullying, explore strategies for dealing with this destructive behaviour and discover how to … Read more

What traits are associated with psychopathy?

Psychopathy is a disorder that manifests through a pattern of antisocial behaviors.  These behaviors commonly include a complete disregard for the rights of others, selfishness, and lack of empathy. More so than most of us, psychopathic individuals are often very good at altering their presentation.  As a result, the disorder may not be initially apparent. … Read more

Affinity fraud: do psychopaths target specific groups of people?

Individuals with psychopathic traits are often attracted to affinity groups – religious, political or social groups of people who share common values, beliefs or interests.  The collective trust that members of these groups have in one another and their common belief system provides a perfect cover for the person with psychopathy.  The psychopath has an … Read more

How do psychopathic individuals choose their victims?

Many individuals with psychopathic features are opportunists who seek to take whatever they can from those around them, viewing others as merely a source of “supply.”  If they detect something in someone they find interesting or that can help them achieve their agenda in some way, that person has the potential to become a victim.  … Read more

Is Psychopathy Genetic?

Genes play a significant role in the development of psychopathy. However socialization and other environmental factors interact with genetics, so genes are not the only determinant in whether one has psychopathic traits. Studies on the heritability of psychopathy have focused primarily on identical twins (100% shared genes) and fraternal twins (50% shared genes).  One study … Read more