Strategic Plan 2018-2020

Objectives over the next three-year period are as follows:


  1. Continue to improve the infrastructure of our organization
    • Recruit additional members for the Aftermath Foundation Board of Directors and Executive Committee
    • Focus on individuals with experience in board governance, accounting, law, and members interested in providing financial support to non-profit organizations
    • Recruit additional volunteers for key areas (fundraising, translations, website, policy and law)
    • Develop an active membership base
    • Establish a European presence


  1. Educate the general public about the nature and impact of psychopathy
    • Regularly add resources by responding to and updating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Ask the Expert questions, and research summaries on the Aftermath website
    • Develop web-based programs and or workshops for members and the general public


  1. Educate professionals about the nature and impact of psychopathy
    • Present workshops to train therapists and counselors including psychologists and psychiatrists to deal more effectively with psychopathic individuals.
    • Present workshops to train attorneys and judges to deal more effectively with psychopathic individuals
    • Identify and partner with psychiatric, medical, religious, law enforcement, political, and self-help organizations interested in learning more about working with psychopathic individuals
    • Develop web-based programs and or workshops for professionals


  1. Help individuals to make contact with knowledgeable professionals
    • Contact 2 psychological organizations and associations annually to identify psychologists with expertise in psychopathy. Send out our survey for professionals when appropriate.
    • Increase our referral network
    • Update and continue to improve database for tracking requests for help and outcomes in a database


  1. Raise money to support our mission
    • Implement Fundraising Strategic Plan
    • Improve our listing on internet sites related to foundations
    • Develop a marketing plan to promote our foundation
    • Develop and implement new general membership levels on the website
    • Develop professional membership page on the website


  1. Research
    • Consider how best to encourage research into the impact of psychopathic personality traits.
      • Encourage collaborations in research
      • Share data with others
    • Continue to provide financial support when possible to promising research proposals.
    • Promote the Aftermath Foundation Graduate Student Research Award and select winner annually


  1. Media
    • Expand the visibility of the Aftermath Foundation on the internet via social media sites as well as in more traditional media outlets (e.g., radio, television, print media)
    • Promote the Aftermath Foundation Media Award and select winner annually