Mission and Accomplishments

Aftermath Mission

The Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation is dedicated to educating the public regarding the nature of psychopathy and its cost to individuals and society.

We seek to support the families and victims of those with psychopathy. 

We support research that aims to: prevent or minimize the development of psychopathic traits, reduce the impact of psychopathic traits, and understand and treat the aftermath of psychopathy. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the negative impact of psychopathy on the families and victims of psychopathic individuals.

Aftermath Accomplishments

Because this is our first annual report we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of our accomplishments since our inception.

Educating the Public

Aftermath provides a variety of approaches in assisting individuals to become more informed about psychopathy. Our primary vehicle, the Aftermath website, provides reliable, current information on psychopathy. Visitors can read answers to Frequently Asked Questions, find information about current research, look at our lists of recommended books and links, and participate in the Survivors Forum. Our moderated Survivor’s Forum provides a secure place to dialogue with others who have been affected by psychopathy. Over the past year we have had over 160 active forum members reading, posting and providing encouragement and support for others. Because psychopathy crosses all cultures and nationalities, we are currently translating our website information into other languages.

Aftermath provides workshops developed for counselors, lawyers and judicial / family court staff, and clergy. Through these workshops, we increase the likelihood that professionals will be able to recognize some of the harmful behaviors that characterize individuals with psychopathic traits, determine when formal psychopathy assessments are warranted, and deal more effectively with people with psychopathic features (see our report on workshops conducted in 2013) 

Supporting Families and Victims

One of the practical ways that we support families and victims is by responding to requests for help. These responses provide information about resources (including resources on the website and links to other organizations) that may be especially helpful to people and, when possible, referrals to professionals (counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists) who are familiar with psychopathy. We also offer to speak with attorneys to help educate them about the nature and impact of psychopathy. In 2013, we responded to 64 requests for help from people in 9 different countries. We continue to expand our referral list globally. 

Research Support

To date, the Aftermath Foundation has provided support for three different young researchers working to conduct research consistent with our mission. The first of these research projects is now completed, and a summary report by the researcher, Janelle Beaudette, has been included with this report.

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