Aftermath Radio Episode 5: Dr. Schug presents Psychopathy: Fact or Fiction. He also discusses with Dr. Liane Leedom the parenting of children at risk for developing psychopathic traits, including ways in which parents’ attitudes and actions can impact children’s development and personality traits. Click here to stream the podcast.

There are three ways parents shape their children’s attitudes and behavior. First, parents influence children by determining the tone set in the home and exposure to media including music, art and television. Second, parents are models that children imitate. Third, parents teach with verbal lessons. All three — influencing, modeling, and teaching — are part of the Parent’s Pledge.
Children who carry genetic risk for psychopathy can be more impulsive and have a more difficult time learning to love and learning moral lessons. Parental shaping should focus on these three areas: Ability to love and care for others, Impulse control and Moral reasoning.
If you have concerns that someone in your family may have psychopathic traits, you may find it helpful to read about what others have written in the Aftermath Survivors’ Forum (or to post something yourself).
Also, you can visit the Aftermath Foundation Store to learn more about or order a copy of Dr. Leedom’s book, Just Like His Father? A guide to overcoming your child’s genetic connection to antisocial behavior, addiction and ADHD.