Brief Survey about Interest in an Activity Intervention for Survivors with Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

We are developing an experimental online physical activity intervention designed to increase physical activity and to reduce stress in people with symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder who have been in relationships with people with psychopathic traits. The eight week intervention would take place on a secure, social media platform that only study participants and the intervention facilitator can access. Intervention content would be posted weekly, and participants could review the content at their own pace. The facilitator would pose questions and comments to the group to encourage support among group members, but participation on the social network would not be required.

We aim to recruit people who may be interested in this kind of an intervention so that we can evaluate its effectiveness, but, before we do so, we want to find out whether survivors of traumatic relationships would be interested in this kind of a program. Click here to answer the questions. It should take no more than 5 minutes.

Thank you for providing your opinion about this intervention by answering the following questions.

Please note, this experimental intervention would not be a substitute for interventions or psychotherapy provided by a licensed mental health provider.