Research Committee Report


The Research Committee continued to educate the public about important research on psychopathy by providing three new summaries this year, the first being, “Criminals with psychopathy show impaired cognitive empathy”, for the journal article by Drs. M. Brook and D. Kosson, “Impaired cognitive empathy in criminal psychopathy: Evidence from a laboratory measure of empathic accuracy (2013)”.  Click here to read the summary on the Aftermath website. 

The second summary was, “Inmates higher in interpersonal and affective traits of psychopathy use the way that people walk to identify vulnerable individuals”, for the journal article by Drs. A. Book and K. Costello, and J.  Camilleri, “Psychopathy and victim selection: The use of gait as a cue to vulnerability (2013)”.  Click here to read the summary.

The final summary was, “Psychopathic traits and reactive and instrumental violence among young female offenders”, for the journal article by E. Hutton and Dr. M. Woodworth, “Violent female youth: An examination of instrumental violence, psychopathy, and offense characteristics (2014)”.  Click here  to read the summary.

The Research Committee provided members of the Foundation with the opportunity to pose any questions they had to psychopathy experts.  A new topic was created on the Aftermath website Survivor Forum called, “Ask the expert questions”, so that members could ask questions anytime.   You can click here to read the answers provided by expert Dr. Stephen Porter along with his PhD graduate student, Pamela Black, University of British Columbia- Okanagan.


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